Тренинг в Солун по ReThink проект.

от | ное. 25, 2023 | Програми

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Обучението се проведе в Козани, Солун, Гърция от 11-14 декември 2023. Участваха: – младежки работници – социални работници от нестопански организации – пациентски работници които работят с младежи и възрастни с диабет – staff и доброволци на диабетни организации Цели на проекта: повишаване на информираността относно диабета и метаболитните заболявания, подобряване качеството на живот на хората с диабет и достъпа им до лечение и скрининг. Ангажиране на семейството и на обществото към проблемите на хората с диабет и хронични увреждания. Ето и програмата за обучението: Обучението се проведе на английски език. През 4те дни разглеждахме основни термини и лечение на диабета, както и психологическата страна на работатата с диабетици.

On 11th – 15th of December, the Erasmus+ project „ReThink“ has successfully implemented the „Skills Building Sessions and advocacy“ in Kozani, Greece. These training activities was a significant milestone, showcasing various initiatives aimed at enhancing the awareness and dissemination activities in the project’s upcoming phase.

One key aspect of the Sessions involved the presentation of the ReThink Guidebook by researchers of Verde (GR) and DiP Bulgaria (BG). This guidebook was introduced to the participating staff from the organizations.

As part of the training, Verde organized a demonstration event at the Open Care Center for the Elderly in Kozani. This session aimed to provide social workers with practical experience in Diabetes. Furthermore, the purpose was to engage with social workers and raise awareness among adults about Diabetes. This direct interaction with the community aimed to foster understanding, dispel myths, and encourage proactive health management among the adult and elderly population in Kozani.

During the training, social workers received hands-on experience in various aspects related to adults with Diabetes, including interacting with them, recognizing potential dangers during activities, and intervening in emergencies. Practical skills, such as checking blood sugar levels and administering insulin, were emphasized to regulate glucose levels if necessary.

The training also focused on designing safe activities for adults with Diabetes, considering potential signs of low or high blood sugar levels. This included creating a safe and inclusive environment for adults to interact while addressing the fear of stigma associated with disclosing their condition.

ReThink aims to combat the growing prevalence of Diabetes in Europe by promoting awareness, early diagnosis, and healthy lifestyles among adults. Through developing a Guidebook for social workers and healthcare providers, the project will equip them with the knowledge and skills to create safe and inclusive environments for adults with Diabetes, ensuring their active participation in various activities.

Stay tuned for more!


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