We are what we are
На 03.12-13.12 се проведе проект наречен „And after all we are what we are“ спонсориран от европейската комиция, в този проект засегнахме теми свързани с разликата в отношение към малцинства и групи в неравностойно положение.Обсъдихме как дискриминацията засяга тези групи и какво може да правим за да подобрим положението. В проекта се използваха неформални методи на обучение, един от които беше форум театър в които бяхме разделени на групи които създадоха кратка театрична сценка в която представяхме проблем свързан с дискриминация и публиката променяше изторията като сменяше определени герой за да помогне на жертвата на дискриминация.
On 03.12-13.12 a project called „And after all we are what we are“ sponsored by the European Commission took place, in this project we touched on topics related to the difference in relation to minorities and disadvantaged groups. We discussed how discrimination affects these groups and what can to do to improve the situation. The project used informal learning methods, one of which was a forum theater where we were divided into groups that created a short theater scene in which we presented a problem related to discrimination and the audience changed the story by replacing certain characters to help the victim of discrimination.
Why minorities
There are a lot of prejudices and stereotypes about minorities. Youth workers meet every day challenges in field of labeling and discrimination and they need tools and ideas what to do, how to help young people from minorities and vulnerable groups. 36 youth workers from 14 countries took part in training course in this topic in Romania. We find the similar problems and decisions, we realized that „Aha, the same story happened to us as well“.
To be or not to be… political correct
We used Rope debate to find out the key words of the project and especially the meaning of political correctness. We choose real white line as border between groups of acceptance and resistance. Most of us reacted emotional to some points of view and it was strange that many participants changed their place, becoming shared holders of two different groups. We saw that no one is For or Against some group or some item forever.
Reflection time – how to reflect and correct
Every day we finished the day answering to question what did we learn in terms of cultural diversity and which of the methods: world cafe, rope debate, six thinking hats, storytelling were the most interesting for us and why. Some of methods were new for us, some were adapted for the specific topic. All NFE methods we can take and use back home in our work as youth workers.
World cafe with 5 tables and 14 countries
We used world cafe method to discuss about effects of discrimination of minorities in different countries. We’ve learned that when we talk and act, we can hurt someone, even occasionally. There are elements of culture identity, specific of religion, languages that are very different in our countries. If something is acceptable in one country, it can cause big problem in another.
Six thinking hats between acceptance and ridiculous
This NFE Tool was created to promote critical thinking, but not the criticism. 6 tables with people with different 6 colors gave us chance to be neutral person, who use only facts, or to identify barriers and benefits of the situation. This tool gave us systematic way of considering the subject from different perspectives. We’ve learned that our reactions, thoughts and ideas are influenced by facts, our background and emotions.
Grassroots comics – lets change the plan
This tool is very good individual method, that can help young people to tell us everything that they can’t tell us. At the same time, it is easy to show the examples of discrimination, saving their emotions and dignity. They can use only white and black only or to show their fears and dreams using different colors. This tool we can use working with kids, teens, young people, even adults. This method is useful for all kind of vulnerable groups and every topic. When we did exhibition, we saw that your problem is not only yours…
Role play – Grandpa, grandpa, tell us story about gypsy girl
This tool based on theater and it is useful for showing the discrimination in action. 8 groups choose different style and topics. We wrote scripts and we did show on the „‘stage“. To show different form of discrimination, the method required the actors to work together and to build scenes with influential characters. To express the emotions of heroes some of participants show good acting and directing skills.
Intercultural evenings – between food and music
This tool was exciting way to share our culture, traditional dishes, music and history. During these events we have shown what we love, what we know, what we enjoy. This experience ended with appetizers, drinks, dishes.
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